Sponsor a Senior


With over a quarter of Gillespie County citizens over age 65, many disabled and on limited incomes, the Meals on Wheels program is greatly needed in our community. However, due to rising food, gas, and operating costs and minimal government funding, we must appeal to the private and business sector for financial support for our Meals on Wheels program.

Join Our Campaign

So that we may continue to serve Fredericksburg’s oldest and neediest citizens, we are asking you to join our 2022 fundraising campaign, “Sponsor a Senior.” By sponsoring one of our senior citizen meal recipients, you will ensure the maintenance of our Meals on Wheels and in-house congregate dining program. Sponsorships are available from one year ($1000 donation-feeds a senior for a year) to one day ($5 donation- feeds a senior one meal). Donations above that are welcomed as well.

With Your Help

This year the Golden Hub must raise $157,000 to continue our good work. With your help, we were able to achieve this goal. Donations are still being accepted. Sponsorship levels are listed below- donations may be mailed to: Golden Hub SAS Annual Fund Drive 1009 N. Lincoln Fredericksburg Texas 78624

We hope you will find a donation level that fits your budget and our senior’s needs. Individuals, businesses, clubs, church groups, and civic organizations are all encouraged to “Sponsor a Senior” for the coming year. The Dian Graves Own Foundation has generously agreed to match our “Sponsor a Senior” campaign again this year on a dollar to dollar basis for up to $20,000.   And once again this year we are lucky to announce that the Golden Hub Foundation has also agreed to match our fundraiser another $20,000.   We will continue the “Sponsor a Senior” campaign until the end of January, so it’s not too late to show your support for the seniors in Gillespie County.  All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your support!
$1000 One year sponsorship- feeds a senior for 1 year. 
$500 Half year sponsorship- feeds a senior for one half year.
$100 One month sponsorship- feeds a senior for 1 month.
$50 Two-week sponsorship- feeds a senior for 2 weeks.
$5 One meal sponsorship- feeds a senior 1 meal.
One Time Donation

You are welcome to donate the exact amount you would like here.

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