Golden Hub Foundation


The Golden Hub Foundation is a non-profit organization managed by its own board of directors, in order to provide future funding for continued operations of the Golden Hub Community Center. The principal of the monies in the Foundation account is to remain untouched with only the interest from the monies used in support of the Center.

Donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible. Donations may be made directly to the Foundation, through a memorial gift, a will, bestowing of stocks or bonds, assigned royalties, real estate endowment, or establishment of a Trust Fund. Contact Treasurer Carolel Reed at 997-7131 by leaving a message to make a donation or for more information.

The Golden Hub Foundation Board of Directors are:

Connie Crenwelge, Judy Hoopman, Tony Klein, Moneca Osbon, Eric Parker, Britt Pounds, and Carole Reed.

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